Marketa Lorinczy

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  • Pavel Matějka’s journey to founding Phonexia

    Pavel Matějka’s journey to founding Phonexia

    News, March 14, 2018

    I was already good at math in primary school. After all, all you need is to understand the core principle and the rest is piece of cake. Later, at high school of electric engineering, I learned about automatization, and I was riveted by it. The fact that I could program something that actually does “something” in the real world was fascinating.

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  • Petr Schwarz’s journey to founding Phonexia

    Petr Schwarz’s journey to founding Phonexia

    News, March 13, 2018

    All journeys of Phonexia founders are a little bit different. So what is my story? Well, the first time I read about speech technologies was when I was in high school. I felt that it was something with a real potential and so I started looking into the issue more closely.

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